Enter now

To start your entry, please select the category below. If you have previously started, please log in to your account in the menu above. We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Ollie Sumner at ajsmallprojects@emap.com The entry deadline for the AJ Small Projects is 4 February 2022. .


The entry deadline is 4 February 2022.

Cost to enter: £80 + VAT per entry

For entry inquiries please contact Ollie Sumner at ajsmallprojects@emap.com

PLEASE NOTE: Once entries are submitted, they are final. If there are any problems or questions about your entry we will contact you. Requests to change submitted entries will be considered on an individual basis; all queries in this regard to ajsmallprojects@emap.com.

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